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Building a robust foundation for your Multi-Tiered System of support is an enormous undertaking, and our team is ready to help. 


We will employ our four-phase process of change to establish a vision for your future state.


We utilize assessments that promote a positive mindset to help your district understand the current state of your staff and faculty's well-being.


Our team will help you gather the champions already working in your classrooms who can serve as early adopters to encourage all with the implementation of MTSS supports across the curriculum. 


We are here to work alongside you and your leadership team so that a culture of care can take shape in a way that best serves your students and staff. 


Wellness Recovery Action Planning

WRAP® is a wellness approach that helps people to:

1. Decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and  behaviors

2. Increase personal empowerment

3. Improve their quality of life

4. Achieve their own life goals and dreams


School Care Team members deliver the course to teachers and staff in group settings. We also facilitate WRAP to junior and senior high school students in academic health classes. 

click for more info!

When used in each classroom or through school-wide assemblies, the Kimochis program helps schools build a strong, positive, communicative school culture and climate.


The Kimochis curriculum can stand alone or enhance and extend an existing character education program. Kimochis lessons teach children to be:

  • Respectful: Use a respectful voice, face, words, and actions; listen to upset feelings

  • Responsible: Speak up for self or others; admit and own mistakes

  • Resilient: Work through emotion alone or with help; bounce back from difficult moments

  • Compassionate and Kind: Have empathy or concern for others; look for moments to be kind to self and others

Sources of Strength is a culture-building program based on hope, health, and strength. Students and adults create a network of care within schools so that every student can identify a trusted adult or peer to connect with when experiencing a challenge or a crisis 

Mindset Reset

School Care Team members deliver Mindset Rest in elementary and middle school classrooms. Interactive lessons introduce strengths-based concepts of self-management and care:


  • Regulating Big Emotions

  • Communication and Connection

  • Respecting Boundaries

  • Valuing Differences 

  • Identifying and Developing Employability Skills


Community-Building (Restorative) Practices

Community-Building Practices provide a framework for proactively strengthening connections for everyone and for responding to challenges.

QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer

QPR can be learned in the Gatekeeper course in as little as 90 minutes.


Basic life-saving skills are expected requirements for many professions. QPR is a similar life-saving skill set that should be learned and practiced.



The School Care Team reviews your current suicide and crisis protocol develops a new plan or offers revisions, then trains your staff and faculty so that every adult on campus understands and knows how to respond in the event of a mental health emergency. Prevention, intervention, and postvention are vital elements to creating a safe and supportive culture. Our plan includes the development of a Wellness Response Team, which inserts a positive approach to supporting students and adults in crisis. 




The School Care Team offers evidence-based programs, along with customized presentations backed by science and created by educators. We partner with state and local agencies so that you know we present material that is current and practical. 

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